Flowrise Enterprise

Lug Type Knife Edge Gate Valve

Operation Electrical
Size Range 2″ to 20″
Value Body CI / CS / CF8 / CF8M
Seals  AISI SS 304 / 316
Gland Packing Metal to Metal / NRV
Leakage Class Cotton Graphite Rope
Ends IV to V

2/2 & 3/2 Way High Thermic Fluid Control Viave

Operation Electrical
Type  Diaphragm Type Thermic
Flue Control Valve
Size Range 1″ to 8″
Body & End Piece WCB / S.S
Diaphragm  Nitrite Canvas Moulded
Diaphragm Cover Sneet, Metal, Pressing
Working Press 150#
Working Temp. Upto 450°C
Seating Metal to Metal
Media Thermic Fluid

Electrical Actuator

Power Supply  230 Volts AC
Rotation 0 – 90°C
Optional Modulating 4 – 20 MA
Input Signal & Output Signel
Limit Switch 1 No + 1 NC
Position Indicator Provided
Maximum Temp. -20°c + 70°c
Operating Time 20 to 30 Sec